Friday, November 26, 2010

What To Do When There Are No Stairs

Just received this question from Heather, who just got hooked on this great sport!

Q)I am an "older adult" who recently on a trip back to my hometown of Edmonton, Alberta, decided I would try to climb those steps in the River Valley next to the Royal Glenora Club. I managed 5 1/2 reps of 185 steps and was HOOKED.
UNFORTUNATELY, I live in a small city in Ontario, which is not only flat but is lacking in any sort of public outdoor stairs and public buildings of significant height that give access to stair climbing.
At least, that is my impression! Do you have ANY contacts or resource information about stair climbing in my city?

A:) Such a great question! Thanks Heather! The sport of stairclimbing is such a fantastic activity that it is hard NOT to get hooked! Congratulations!

Having no access to outdoor stairs or tall building could be a problem. However there are solutions. First and foremost you do not have to climb stairs to be great at stair climbing. You can train in a gym to become an excellent stair climber. Check out this blog to get a sense of what it takes...

The other option is to find a building that has a shorter staircase and work on the different aspects of stairclimbing

For example:

1)You can do squats in between landings to better develop your overall endurance
2)You can work on stairclimbing techniques (See blog for additional information)
3)You can do multiple climbs up and down and perform squats at the bottom and the top.

The best thing about stairclimbing is that you can be creative in how you approach your workouts. You are only limited by your own imagination, so go crazy!

I hope this helped! Good luck on your stairclimbing adventures! Drop us an email to let us know how you are doing!

Athlete Support

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